Mobile HealthCare Vehicle
Surgery Trailer
Mobile HealthCare Vehicle (Bus)
Mobile HealthCare Vehicle (Midibus)
Box Type Mobile HealthCare Vehicle
Ophtalmology & ENT Vehicle
Mobile Blood Drawing Vehicle
Mobile Gynecology Vehicle
Mobile Dental HealthCare Vehicle
Ems Mobile Intensive Care and Surgery Vehicle
Mobile Laboratory Vehicle
Mobile Auditory Scanning Vehicle
Mobile Pulmonary - Cardiology Screening Vehicle
Mobile Mammography Screening Vehicle
Mobile Command Control Vehicle
Surgery Trailer
Surgery TrailerSurgery TrailerSurgery TrailerSurgery TrailerSurgery TrailerSurgery TrailerSurgery TrailerSurgery TrailerSurgery Trailer

Surgery Trailer

Designed according to customer requirements, technicalMaterial, Operation, Sterilization, IntensiveTreatment rooms, including four chapterscomposed.

  • Technical room equipped with 30KWA capacity generator system, electrical command panel and fuse boxes, medical gas cylinders and gas terminal, technical material cupboards
  • Sterilization washbasin system for staff
  • Sterilizator for medical equipments
  • Operation room equipped with multi function operation coach, cold light feature and functional operation coach light,trolleys
  • Medical gas sockets, aspiration and ventilation suction
  • Medical monitors, wall type negatoscope
  • Stainless steel material cupboards for convenient material and operation in each room
  • Intensive care room equipped with functional intensive care beds, patient monitors
  • Electrical system, medical gas system, internet system connections